Religious studies a religious tradition that emphasizes the primary

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Religious studies a religious tradition that emphasizes the primary

Religious studies a religious tradition that emphasizes the primary

place of gnosis, or mystical knowledge, understood through aspects of wisdom

Marvin Meyer defines Gnosticism as “a religious tradition that emphasizes the primary
place of gnosis, or mystical knowledge, understood through aspects of wisdom (often
personified wisdom) presented in creation stories, particularly stories based on the
Genesis accounts, and interpreted by means of a variety of religious and philosophical
traditions… in order to proclaim a radically enlightened way and life of knowledge” (in
The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus, HarperSanFrancisco, 2005, p. xiii). Consider the Gospel of
Thomas in light of this definition. Does it seem to represent “a religious tradition” of any
sort? Does it emphasize wisdom and/or mystical knowledge? Does that knowledge
provide for a “radically enlightened” way of life? Consider as well what might have made
this gospel either controversial or dangerous. Feel free to compare the Gospel of Thomas
to any of the canonical gospels; likewise, feel free to make use of any other Gnostic or
apocryphal gospels.
1Linda Woodhead, Christianity: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2014)
2Richard Bauckham, Jesus: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2011)
3Bernard McGinn, The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism (Modern Library, 2006)

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