1. Give a working title for the essay
2. Introduce the chosen theme and give a brief rationale for choice of thinkers
3. Set out an indivative structure for essay
4. Give an indication of the main similarities/differences between the thinkers in terms of chosen theme, and/or indicate overall argument
5. Must include following readings
– J. Locke, Two Treatises on Government
– C. B. Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, Reprint ed., (p.194-221)
– A. Ryan, The Making of Modern Liberalism, Ch.27
– J. S. Mill, On Liberty – Marx, ‘On the Jewish Question’ – Marx, The 1844 [Paris] Manuscripts
6. Show that you have identified sufficient relevant sources to assist in the research and writing of the essay
7. Clearly show the relevance of chosen thinkers to the theme selected
8. Use analytical and critical skills to explore similarities/differences/complementarities between the thinkers
9. Advance and sustain an overall argument