motivational theory (management)

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motivational theory (management)

motivational theory (management)
Order Description
in this box is the assignment question and is critical to this piece of work as it goes towards understanding what to write about as well as this another critical part of this is critical analysis and research:
1. An in depth explanation of two motivational theorists of your choice.
(20 arks)

2 An assessment of the techniques used to implement each of these theories to a real life organization of your choice (40 marks)

3 An evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of these theories at these organisations
(This evaluation of effectiveness of the implementation could include any of the elements below ):

• Evaluating the degree to which the company has managed to achieve set targeted outcomes through the implementation of the motivational theory.
• The degree to which the company has improved its business performance in terms of market share, sales volume, profitability, customer satisfaction.
• The increase of employee satisfaction.
• The decrease of employee turnover. (20 marks)

4. Prepare a range of recommendations as to how the implementation of these techniques could be improved in the future at your chosen organisation. ( 20 marks)
Explain two theorists. 10 marks each. NB- You need further research than just the notes and examples given to you by your lecturers and tutors.

Q2 Apply to an organization. X 2 ( 20 marks each) . You might start by saying- in an organization that I am aware of …. Theory is applied. Explain how and why you believe the activities of your company follow the theory of …..

Q3. Does the application/implementation of this theory work. Eg- does the job get done efficiently, is the company productive, are the workers happy and engaged, is labour turnover too high.

Q4 What could the company do better? Suggest ways that the workers can be made more happy, motivated and engaged. Look at the information from lecture on Employee engagement. Suggest some practical solutions- empowerment, intrinsic/extrinsic rewards, job design, job rotation. And/or simple ideas of – more respect from managers, praise, recognition, thanks, communications.

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