Harvard Business Case Analysis

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Harvard Business Case Analysis

Harvard Business Case Analysis
In this course you are required to analyze one Harvard Business Case study and answer some questions related to this case study. The case that you have analyze is: ? Case: Google’s Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter? Where can you access and purchase this case? These cases need to be purchased from the Harvard Business Press by going to the following web-link, for about $4.00: https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/access/38615940 What are you supposed to do when writing the case report? After reading the case you are required to write a case report on the assigned case study. Your report needs to be completed in a written format, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1” margins, 10 to 12 pages in length.
You are required to cite sources other than the text in your case report. While doing so you must follow APA format for citation and references. For the proper APA format you may go online and find several resources that you may use. A minimum of 10 unique references is required in addition to the original source case (the one listed above, which is your starting point for analysis). The references should be to articles published in academic or practitioner journals. One of your 10 references may be to the company web site; another 2 references may refer to business publication such as BusinessWeek, Forbes, or similarly oriented magazines.
Your page limit is a minimum of 10 pages of main body text. The title page, executive summary, references, and any other materials such as tables, figures, or appendices are contained on extra pages. It is unlikely that you will need to write more than 12 pages to complete this assignment.
Do not write the case report in a question/answer format. But write it as a case report with different sections, headings, major issues, recommendations and conclusion, with an executive summary (or synopsis) at the beginning.
When writing the executive summary outlining your theoretical analysis and recommendations, you may refer to: Vassallo, P. (2003) [Vassallo, P. (2003). Executive summaries: Where less really is more. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 60(1), 83-90.]. This is an article in our Library’s EBSCO Academic Search Premier database.
There are two submissions that you have to turn in. In your first submission, please introduce the important aspects of the case, talk about major issues in the case and identify the problems. Write at least 5 pages of text for the first submission. In the second submission, proceed further with your analysis and provide research-based recommendations, a conclusion and an executive summary of the case.
Make corrections as suggested by the SBA Fellow before the second (and final) submission. Submit the assignment via the assignment tab by the due date. Points will be deducted at the rate
of one letter grade per day or part of day the assignment is late. See the class schedule for specific due dates.
Some suggestions regarding section topics that you may consider while writing the case report
? Your may start by describing Google’s culture and how managers were treated before project Oxygen.
? Kinds of people who work at Google, expected role played by managers and role expectations from the HR.
? Your evaluations of the steps taken by PiLab.
? Your assessment of Oxygen project, value added by it, if any? Also its generalizability.
? Setty’s priorities moving forward, initiatives to pursue, and how to create truly amazing managers?
Criteria for Evaluation of Case Analyses
Synopsis or executive summary: The very first thing that you are required to do is to provide a synopsis or an executive summary of the case. It should be not more than one page in length. My suggestion – work on this section after you have written the entire case report (i.e., tackle this section at the last!!).
Theory: How well do you apply and integrate appropriate concepts, theories and other materials from the chapters, readings and lectures?
Data: How efficiently do you utilize evidence from case materials in order to develop your arguments, to draw proper inferences, and to support your arguments?
Analysis: How well do you integrate theory and information in order to present a coherent/integrated picture of the case and in the identification of the key managerial and organizational issues?
Recommendations: By making use of the facts of the case, how well can you translate your analysis into an action plan that can prove to be helpful in solving the issues and problems of the current case? Also, discuss the way in which your recommendations can be implemented.
Organization and Writing: How clear and well organized is your writing? Please remember it needs to be of professional quality.

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