The risk of deadly bacteria that are growing resistant to antibiotics

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August 8, 2017
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The risk of deadly bacteria that are growing resistant to antibiotics

Order Description
Be sure to focus on risk aspects and less on background material.The paper should summarize the issue, characterize the risks, discuss risk tradeoffs, and suggest how you think the issue should be resolved.
Characterizing the risk means including information from particular risk studies appropriate to the topic. It is not enough to mention that a risk exists.The paper should include some quantitative analysisThe resource material should include at least several items from peer-reviewed literature, and should include at least several recent publications. Try to avoid headline-driven publications and websites.?The bibliography should include only those publications cited within your paper. That means that you need to include at least one quote or paraphrase from the publication.
?Any material taken directly from a source needs to be placed in quotation marks.

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