Political Economist POV On Current Affairs

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Political Economist POV On Current Affairs

ASSIGNMENT A: What would say about ?
In this assignment you should identify a news item relevant to management studies (broadly defined) and comment on how a political economist or organisational theorist of your choice would view the issue.
There is, therefore, a set question for this assignment but you will need to complete it before you can begin:
Q. What would say about ?
complete the above assignment question by adding in the name of a political economist, organisational theorist, or other appropriate scholar, and by adding an issue that interests you. The purpose of the exercise is to comment on a contemporary issue by applying the type of analysis that your selected person would use.
Here are some suggestions as to who you might select: Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Adam Smith, J. S. Mill, Lenin, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman. You might also think about the work of academics such as Parker, Crouch, Harvey, or Galbraith. These lists are not exhaustive and are not meant to be restrictive. If you are in any doubt about your selection then contact your seminar tutor or the module leader for advice.
Your selection of topic to apply your analysis to is likely to come from good quality newspapers such as The Guardian, The Times, The Financial Times, or the Telegraph. You might also wish to look at political publications such as The Morning Star or the New Statesman. More innovative analysis might be made of issues in the tabloid press (what would Marx think about The Suns attacks on Jeremy Corbyns economic policies?), but it is unlikely that the tabloid press will be sources of serious analysis for you to critique.
You should include a web-link to the article you have selected (properly referenced in your work) or else, if working from a print version you should scan this and submit it with your piece.
Answers should demonstrate your ability to apply ideas to a contemporary issue. Markers will, therefore, be looking for knowledge and understanding relating to your ability to engage with theory, and your ability to apply theory to reality.

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