For your literature reviews that are due, I would like you to have 15 sources (more is fine) with a short summary of each source and a sentence or two as to what particular idea or concept caught your attention (as in, why did you pick this source). The summary can be taken from a quick read of the introduction and the abstract. I would like you to put the summary in your own words. My ethnography project revolves around Arab Gays (specifically in Qatar), the notion of gender, gender in the middle-east and the role of the international gay has on a local community. I will attach a document of the syllabus readings, you will want to choose at least 7 from there please and I’ll highlight the ones I would like to be used. I can also send you some of the analytical responses I’ve submitted on past weeks readings to assist, along with any access to the reading documents i may have. If it says “(Canvas)” by the reading and i haven’t selected it, i can download it for you if needed. Thank you!