discussion questions Academic Essay

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discussion questions Academic Essay

Answer 2 discussion questionsDescriptionThese are short answer questions, please keep response 250-300 words each.Assignment 5.2 (post your response to the Week 5 Discussion Forum)There are many subliminal tapes that a person can buy claiming to help with everything from memory problems to weight loss. How valid are the claims made by these tapes with respect to changing behavior or quality of life? Have you ever purchased one of these tapes? If so, what area were you looking to improve and do you believe that you had positive results? Why?Assignment 5.3 (post your response to the Week 5 Discussion Forum) Search the Internet for sites that present optical or other perceptual illusions. Post the web addresses for the sites you find and give a description of the content of the sites. Select one example of an illusion on the site and explain which perceptual principle is illustrated by the illusion.

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