Differences in Generational X and Generation Y: Implications for the Organization and Marketers

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August 8, 2017
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August 8, 2017
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Differences in Generational X and Generation Y: Implications for the Organization and Marketers

DescriptionRead and review the article Differences in Generation X and Y: Implications for the Organization and Marketers by Reisenwitz and Iyer. (Note Make sure you read the correct article because there are others under this link) http://www.mmaglobal.org/publications/MMJ/MMJ-Issues/2009-Fall/MMJ-2009-Fall-Vol19-Issue2-Complete.pdf#page=112In your initial posting, discuss the concepts that caught your attention and why they did so. Support your posting with quotes from the article. Next, respond to at least two classmates postings adding new insights to this discussion. Writing that is specific and interesting will receive more points.

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