Cultural Analysis of Chicago

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Cultural Analysis of Chicago

The paper should include:

Analysis of the primary text—describe characters, plot points, and any other information need to understand what the text is about.

Explanation of how the group is portrayed—What do the primary texts want to think about the group? What cultural presumptions and topics surround the texts?

Incorporation of research—work in your research in meaningful ways to help make a point about your group, the primary texts, and about the identity they construct. Don’t just repeat what others have said, but do something with that information—use it to make your own argument. Remember, this assignment is not a research summary, but your own analysis and argument—your goal is to deepen and add to the ongoing conversation. Also, be sure to credit your sources accurately and ethically.

Organization—Does the order of your paragraphs make sense? Does one topic lead into the next? Using a thesis statement, clear topic sentences, and transitions will help to move the ideas in your paper along smoothly. Outlining the paper ahead of time will also help achieve clear organization.

Syntax and Conventions—Proofread carefully to avoid typos and misspellings. Be sure to follow MLA format for in-text citations and your works cited page. Polish the essay for consistency of verb tense and tone.

I have also attached an annotated bibliography with sources on what I want in the essay. In additon to these 6 sources i already have, i need 2 primary sources so 8 in total

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