Your employer has been going through many challenges this past eighteen months due to the recent financial crises. There has been major challenges throughout the company including, high turnover, software applications being used are outdated,

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Your employer has been going through many challenges this past eighteen months due to the recent financial crises. There has been major challenges throughout the company including, high turnover, software applications being used are outdated,

Your employer has been going through many challenges this past eighteen months due to the recent financial crises. There has been major challenges throughout the company including, high turnover, software applications being used are outdated, stress is increasing for those employees who have been staying around, and morale is at the lowest point ever for the company . The remaining executives are planning to do a re-organization of the jobs and responsibilities throughout the company. However, each time the executives want to implement the change; another batch of employees resigns. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare an analyses of what the executive leaders must do. Present your findings as a report in a Word document formatted in APA style.

-Apply the best organizational development process skills the executives should use
-Apply the change strategies within the short-term and long-term
-Evaluate and present the impacts of the resources

Present your findings as a Word document formatted in APA style.

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