Write assignment #1 covering Ashby “Market System Fundamentals” summery of Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

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Write assignment #1 covering Ashby “Market System Fundamentals” summery of Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Write assignment #1 covering Ashby “Market System Fundamentals” summery of Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

For each of the assigned chapters, write an accurate and detailed summary (approximately 50 lines) of the chapter content.

REMEMBER:  Your job is to tell me what you believe that I told to you, but DO NOT quote me and DO NOT
use simple rearrangements of my own words (because neither exposes whether you understand the material).
What you write (employing diagrams when appropriate) must faithfully reflect what I wrote and must not be
distorted by any of your own attitudes or opinions.  Carefully check your spelling and grammar; they account
for 20% of your grade.

Follow ALL of the composition rules in the Writing Guide as well as all instructions included in the syllabus
summaries into a single Word document.  Cover the chapters in ascending order and precede each section with
an appropriate label (Chapter 1, Chapter 2, …).


the textbook http://home.earthlink.net/~econanalytics/Market%20System%20Fundamentals.pdf
6. 10 Things to Know About Restaurant Management
a) http://restaurants.about.com/od/resources/a/10-Things-To-Know-About-Managing-A-Restaurant.htm
7. How to Manage a Restaurant
a) http://www.wikihow.com/Manage-a-Restaurant
(If you use this research, please do a reference page.)

c.    Look that 2 examples, on the table of contents page. I only need to do the analysis part. It should be 4-5 (at least 6 pages) parts follow in the analysis.
We have gotten 3 topics already, please write based on this and add some more.
1.    Marketing Strategy
–    Social Media (Like Facebook. We need you talk some special food in this restaurant, and customer reviews.)
–    Website (We need a table to show food’s picture with name, you can find this on the website what I give to you.)
–    Location (It’s just next to campus, lots of college students like to go there.)
2.    Atmosphere/Environment
–    Landscaping (parking lots are not good)
–    Music/TV (They have a lots of TV around the wall, you can find some indoor picture on the web.)
–    Mood/Seating/Placement (Just write something, do not care about that is true or not.)
–    Cleanliness
3.    Food
–    Timing (Fast)
–    Pricing (Expensive)
–    Taste (Good)
(Now, we have only 3 topics, you can choice 1-2 topics following this or you can do research yourself.)
a.    Customer Service/Satisfaction
a)    Host(Greeting)
b)    Food Selection
c)    Staff Appearance
d)    Staff’s Courtesy and Friendliness
e)    Management Standards
f)    Knowledge of Food
b.    Organization

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