Write an essay explaining your opinion on the implications of autonomous robotics use in our society.

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Write an essay explaining your opinion on the implications of autonomous robotics use in our society.

A recent news story suggested that the ever increasing use of robotic surgery is facing some concerns and is being scrutinized by the Food and Drug Administration:


This raises some important questions? How much should we rely on autonomous robotics to assist human activity? For this task, write a 2-3 page essay (single space font of 12 minimum) explaining your opinion on the implications of autonomous robotics use in our society. To help you with you reasoning I am providing three excellent sources: Source 1: Robotic surgery ethics: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guglielmo_Tamburrini/publication/260402418_Ethical_Reflectio ns_on_Health_Care_Robotics/links/554bdf670cf21ed2135b7afe.pdf Source 2: Ethical and implications of autonomous robotics (surgery and vehicles) http://verdict.justia.com/2012/11/19/autonomous-cars-and-surgical-robots Source 3: Can robots be better humans that soldiers in a battlefield? (video) http://www.noodle.org/learn/details/126135/tedxgeorgiatech-ronald-arkin-ethics-and-lethality-inautonomous-combat-robots

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