Write an essay discussing how these dynamics play out in one of the two films from above.

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Write an essay discussing how these dynamics play out in one of the two films from above.

  1. Both Bitter Seeds and Globalization Tapes call attention to how local dynamics can exacerbate the impact that globalization has on working people in Asia. Write an essay discussing how these dynamics play out in one of the two films from above. An example of local dynamics in Globalization Tapes is General Suharto’s coup and the subsequent ban on trade unions, which places the workers at the mercy of multinational corporations. This prompt is not an invitation to make light of the deep-seated impact of globalization but to recognize the multiple factors that contribute to inequity in the global South.

Always cite your sources both parenthetically and in a correctly formatted Works Cited page. Failure to acknowledge your sources will result in a failing grade for this assignment.

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