Write a reprt on Project for internship at American Red Cross.

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Write a reprt on Project for internship at American Red Cross.

hey,I need help with my final project about my internship at American Red Cross, and i need 7-9 pages.please see the attached file of project agreement form and the project report example.The final project paper should be submitted in APA format.  An example final project report has been provided for your reference. In addition, the link below provides an online example with explanations of formatting for APA guidelines.  In addition, relevant peer reviewed documents and articles should be referenced throughout your project and utilized in a scholarly manner.  Google Scholar is a good search program that provides full PDF documents for many sources and can be sorted by relevancy to your document or by date.  It also provides the reference citataio in APA format for you should you use that particular source.  While there is no minimum number of references, it is expected that a student would have at least 5 scholarly references for this length of a document.Link to an example paper with explanations of APA formatting requirements: Thank you

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