Write a 2–4-page critical essay addressing the following claim about corruption: “Corruption is a Western concept and is not applicable to traditional societies, where corruption does not have such a negative meaning.

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Write a 2–4-page critical essay addressing the following claim about corruption: “Corruption is a Western concept and is not applicable to traditional societies, where corruption does not have such a negative meaning.

Write a 2–4-page critical essay addressing the following claim about corruption: “Corruption is a Western concept and is not applicable to traditional societies, where corruption does not have such a negative meaning. Many traditional societies with a ‘gift culture’ have a different understanding of civil responsibilities and etiquette. The social structure and political traditions of many countries are based on the beneficial exchange of rewards for services rendered, and cannot survive in its absence” (International Debate Education, 2011, p. 63 ).Answer the following questions in your essay:

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