Write a 1-page reflection on your experience and identify what areas you need to improve in your case skills

Establish the Understanding of the Case
August 7, 2017
Determine two (2) research toolsyou will use to identify customers’ needs.
August 7, 2017
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Write a 1-page reflection on your experience and identify what areas you need to improve in your case skills

Review the “Guided Cases” on the site (Driving Revenue Growth and Crafting a Distribution Strategy). Make sure to explore each of the four aspects for each case:
– Establish the Understanding of the Case
– Set Up the Framework for the Case
– Evaluate the Case Using the Framework
– Summarize and Maker Recommendations
Observe how their method was applied in each case.
Next, click on “Start Interactive Case Now”)
Work through the two cases (Airline Case and the Drug Case) with BCG’s four-step approach in mind.
Write a 1-page reflection on your experience and identify what areas you need to improve in your case skills

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