Who is a role model to you who has had a significant influence on your development

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August 7, 2017
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August 7, 2017
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Who is a role model to you who has had a significant influence on your development

This is a personal case study of someone you have admired that has had a significant influence on your development as a person and/or professional. You will introduce leadership concepts, theories, behaviors, etc. WITHOUT EVER USING any form of the word LEADER! You will choose other words.

It is delivered as a presentation to the instructor and a small group of classmates whom you mutually choose in advance to be each other’s “audience”. Each group is scheduled to present during a specific time with no other classmates attending.

At the time of the presentations, each member of the groupis given a different question about content of the presentations they have observed. These questions are addressed after all presentations by group members have been completed. This is the “case interview” portion.

Preparing the Presentation

A. Choose a Subject: Who is a role model to you who has had a significant influence on your development

This may be someone living or deceased. It may be someone you personally know or have met, or someone you may have never met, but have followed through the media or some other means.

B. Prepare a Presentation that includes the following in any order that makes sense to you.
A. Introduction
i. Who is the role model you have chosen: Tell us a little about this person
ii. How you came to know this person

B. Why a Role Model for You
i. Describe this person’s leadership traits and behaviors that have had the greatest impact on you
1. BUT DO NOT EVER USE ANY FORM OF THE WORD LEAD (leader, leadership, etc.); choose other words.
ii. Support your description with citations from our texts + THREE PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLEs that seems to best relate to the situation and person you are describing. These must be articles that we have NOT used in this class.

C. Impact on You

i. How have your behaviors, thinking, or values developed or changed as a result of this person’s influence
ii. How does this impact relate to your Strengths of talent (Strengthsfinder) and character (ME questionnaire)

D. Your Impact on Others
i. How do you appear to be influencing others; give evidence/ illustrations
1. Tactics used
2. Philosophy and or principles followed as you exert influence

E. The Future
i. How do you see yourself affecting/influencing others if you live your passions (manifestations of strengths of talent & character)
ii. How will you “give back” to those who have assisted you in your development

C. Deliver a Presentation
? You will create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) presentation that contains no more than 8 slides – the last slide will list your references.
? You will post to Blackboard “Assignments an outline of your presentation by the last day the month AND a list of your sources.
? Your presentation will last no more than 8 minutes

Slide format:
? Graphics and photos are encouraged; use only key words or phrases rather than complete sentences unless you are using a quote.
? Maximum of 8 slides with no more than 25 words/slide, excluding prepositions and conjunctions.
? Slides will have a non-white background with contrast lettering; accent coloring allowed.
? You are encouraged, but not required to use creativity to enhance your presentation and make it

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