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Who does the ad target and why? How does this make the audience feel? Does the ad work in ways that would not work on you?

Paper details:
SOURCES: not all resources connected to the topic of Canadian oil sands, even in some body paragraphs some sentences contains some information not involved with the topic or campaign itself.

you did not follow my checklist or order instruction correctly.

while you redo this assignment I don’t need any resources’ references if not completely providing in the internet or resource those are not involve the topic.

INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED: I got 0 mark for this assignment, I do not want to ask you why you did not follow the instruction correctly and your understanding seems confusion to complete the ads analysis. plus you involved resources those contains information not even connected to the topic itself which cost my plagiarism matter. moreover I provided images came from those links and its website also the prof left some note comments to completely revise this assignment. so first off all you need to change the whole things and start again or the prof with not accept it because it has 10% plagiarism and some information is not in the right place so use academic words please and careful with semantics meaning because the this course about business Marketing involving in advertising.

second,Show evidence of more answer details, no need for video links, all I need you to rewrite this task involve the right sources such images from magazine,internet, online-posts those related to the topic itself and then talk about the impact of the ads’ image with follow every single and essential part of the ad analysis check list. such this analyzing details:

Feedback on “Advertising to the other”

•Need to attach ads

•Need to be more precise about the target audience (more than age and gender)

–Is it a real, ideal, or fantasy self?

–Psychological targeting

•Need to identify specific advertising techniques

•Need to be clear about which ad campaign is being considered

•Need proper referencing (in-text citations and bibliography)

•Need to proofread

•See “checklist” in Course Content folder (scroll down)

Have you discussed:

Target audience: (remember to say if real, ideal, fantasized ideal, fantasy, looking-glass)
• Demographic (age, gender, income, etc.)
• Cultural groups
• Social roles
• Activities opinions interests
• Lifestyle
• Psychology (feelings)

finally, read about the topic in details to have a good and prefect opinions/ discusses/ thought and understanding background about the campaign itself and about the region that you supposed mentioned correctly by name not just a state with no evidence name or information background. next follow the this file. (Checklist for Ad Analysis( advertising to Other)) to make sure that you fill out the essential part of the images and the topic itself from the check list for ad analysis.

CUSTOMIZE CONTENT: 1. Identity of product and brand being advertised
2. Target audience of the ad
3. Objective of the ads in terms of what the company wants the target audience to think, feel, know, believe, etc.
4. Advertising technique(s) used in the ad (use the Danesi book and lectures to get ideas)
5. Message and implied message(s) of the ad
6. Who does the ad target and why? How does this make the audience feel? Does the ad work in ways that would not work on you?
7. Comments on why you think these ads interesting, whether you think they will work, and whether there are any social or ethical problems with the ad campaign.

OTHER: I will provide some files named:
1- A. Follow the Checklist for Ad Analysis( advertising to Other)
2- B. +-+Assignment#1+marked+0( this is your version involve with images connected to the ads topics of “Fueling Our Lives” & “Rising the Challenges” )
3- C. Order instruction( the same one)
you need to follow these files carefully with academic vocabularies’ writing and perfect understanding about the topic. avoid any video ads and aim on the images of my edition or your version I uploaded which is the second file. also you sources if not connected correctly and logically to the topic and the ads images I do not want any if so. so carefully choose you sources or read the lecture to understand better.

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