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What will be the primary cause that will cause your prediction in the previous question to occur? Why?

In this assignment, you will visit the website of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and review current information regarding current real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) trends. You can find this information by clicking on the above link and then selecting the “Release Highlights” link on the right hand side of the webpage.

Answer the following questions in essay form (500 words minimum). Your completed essay should be in either APA or MLA format and include citations from at least 3 sources (1 citation may include the textbook and 1 citation may include the Bureau of Economic Analysis website). Save your work as an doc or docx file, and submit your completed essay through this link above, which is the name for the assignment.

What trends in real GDP have occurred in the time period shown in the BEA release highlights document?

What time period shown in the document experienced the most significant growth?

What time period shown in the document experienced the least amount of growth?

Based on the data you have researched, what do you project real GDP will do during the duration of this year? Be specific in your answer.

What will be the primary cause that will cause your prediction in the previous question to occur? Why?

BEA Real GDP Information

Current information on real GDP trends for the U.S. economy is available from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis website via this link.http://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/national/gdp/gdpnewsrelease.htm

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