What were Hennessy’s entrepreneurial motivations for founding Dash Locker?

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What were Hennessy’s entrepreneurial motivations for founding Dash Locker?

. How did Hennessy’s background prepare him for starting a business? What entrepreneurial qualities does he embody?
2. What were Hennessy’s entrepreneurial motivations for founding Dash Locker?
3. What type of entrepreneurial opportunity did Hennessy identify, and how did he capitalize on those opportunities?
4. Describe DashLocker’s growth potential.
5. Describe DashLocker’s competitive advantage.
6. What impact does DashLocker have on society?
7. What do you think about DashLocker’s social mission? What else could the company do to reduce its carbon footprint? Should businesses be concerned with social entrepreneurship?
8. Visit DashLocker’s website at www.dashlocker.com and explore the process of signing up for its services. What recommendations would you give to Hennessy to make the process easier?

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