What justifications do the Alien and Sedition Acts contain for these measures aimed primarily at the press?Explain

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What justifications do the Alien and Sedition Acts contain for these measures aimed primarily at the press?Explain

These documents consist of excerpts from the 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts, as well the Virginia Resolution, which contains the response by Jefferson and Madison to these policies. After reading these documents, I want you to respond to the following questions in a short written response (a page or so).

1. What justifications do the Alien and Sedition Acts contain for these measures aimed primarily at the press?

2. On what basis does the Virginia Resolution argue that these Acts are unjust?

3. Finally, while our instincts tell us that such measures as the Alien and Sedition Acts cannot be justified, are there certain circumstances where you could see a need by government to limit freedom of the press in this manner?

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