What is the relevance of the works of Marius Petipa as we move into the 21st century?

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What is the relevance of the works of Marius Petipa as we move into the 21st century?

Marius Petipa is arguably the most significant ballet choreographer prior to the 20th century. His works still offer the magic and majesty that has captured audiences since their premieres. What is the relevance of these works as we move into the 21st century? It has been suggested by dance scholars that there are only a few companies that are able to authentically present Petipa ballets today. Is this true? And if so, why do companies across the world turn to Petipa to tell a story? As the dance world continues to embrace alternative movement-based means of expression, are there ideas or philosophies embraced within the work of Petipa that can enlighten contemporary artists? Make sure to support your opinion with facts.

For this final assignment of the semester, you will need to include research from 2 additional sources beyond your class text “Apollo’s Angels”. (still needs to be quoted)

Chapter 7 is about Petipa

4-6 pages (8max)

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