What is the purpose and role of the USDA for ensuring the safety of our food supply?What is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)? What agency has oversight of the FSMA?What is the Food Code? How is it developed and how often is it revised?

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What is the purpose and role of the USDA for ensuring the safety of our food supply?What is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)? What agency has oversight of the FSMA?What is the Food Code? How is it developed and how often is it revised?

I MUST NEED FULL POINTS  Examine the basic principles of food safety, food sanitation, and providing safe food.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are government agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of our food supply. These agencies are responsible for setting food safety standards, ensuring that these standards are met, conducting inspections, and maintaining enforcement of standards. For this Assignment, answer the following questions.What is the purpose and role of the FDA for ensuring the safety of our food supply?What is the purpose and role of the USDA for ensuring the safety of our food supply?What is the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)? What agency has oversight of the FSMA?What is the Food Code? How is it developed and how often is it revised? What agency has oversight of the Food Code?For directions on how to submit your work and review your graded Assignments, refer to the Dropbox Guide found on the Academic Tools tab. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work.The grading rubric for this  is located in your Syllabus.

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