What is the Mind Body Problem? Why is it a problem?

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What is the Mind Body Problem? Why is it a problem?

1. Reading Comprehension- from the readings-online and printed texts

What is the Mind Body Problem? Why is it a problem? Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer.

2. There are twelve possible metaphysical positions listed below. Do NOT explain all of them. Adopt ONE of them and defend it! Please indicate your familiarity with the readings in your answer.

Dualism Monism

• 1. Causal Interaction

• . Parallelism

◦ 2.Pre-established Harmony

◦ 3.Occassionalism

• 4. Epiphenomenalism

• 5. Dual Aspect 6. Idealism

B.. Materialism

• 7. Radical Behaviorism

• 8. Logical Behaviorism

• 9. Identity

• 10. Eliminative Materialism

• 11. Structuralism

• 12 . Functionalism

Critical Thinking

Label your parts with the letters a to e to make very clear that you have done each part.

Dialectical thinking–You must demonstrate the dialectial thinking process

• a. Take a position on this question or issue

• Adopt a metaphysical position on the nature of the relationship between the mind and body-one of the twelve listed below.

• State what a body is according to that position.

• State what a mind is according to that position.

• b. Provide the reasons why you think this position is better defended by reason and evidence than are the alternative positions

• c. State the reasons why you found the other positions flawed or less defensible than the one you are defending

• d. State the criticisms of your position

e. Respond to the criticisms- rebuttal- how do you defend your position in light of those criticisms

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