What is the implication of being able to implement an ERP system on a piece-by-piece basis?

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What is the implication of being able to implement an ERP system on a piece-by-piece basis?

This essay is for Group Project, that mean’s there are three (3) student’s assigned to this project. My part will be to write on: ERP brings together all the functions of a company using one software program. When the “Big-bang” approach is used, this is when the old system is shut down and the new ERP system is up and running, like going cold turkey. The “phased-in” approach is when only part of the ERP system is implemented and when that part is up and running then the next part will be phased in.

My part answer is: After the core of an ERP system has been implemented, any of the modules may then be implemented separately. What is the implication of being able to implement an ERP system on a piece-by-piece basis?

2-page’s with separate page for (Reference’s) Please type in New Times Romans APA format

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