What are the goals of the Olympic Games?

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What are the goals of the Olympic Games?

Please use Times Roman 12 Font double spaced.
References should be noted in AP style.
Your task:
The year is 2020. Tokyo is hosting the winter Olympics. You have been hired to create
marketing plan for the 2020 Olympic Games which will include the following:
1.Background: Describe the backdrop in which the Olympics are taking place. (What are the challenges Japan and Tokyo are facing (see for example https://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/09/tokyos-2020-olympics

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2. What are the goals of the Olympic Games? How will those be achieved?
The goal of the Olympic Movement is clearly defined in the Olympic Charter: ?The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth people through sport practised in accordance with Olympism and its values. ” (Olympic Charter, 2013, Rule 1)



?It covers the five continents.?: Social Media and internet reaches the 5 continents (even though poorer regions have less connections etc) + check out the number of members on FB and Twitter (tu peux aussi le faire per region) + Images and videos have more impact than words and articles + Bringing the world together, no matter the background, color, religion, political views, everyone is coming together to compete in fairness and respect, around the values of the IOC and sportsmanship ? Bringing world peace through sports and education
Explain the main impact of digital technologies on the marketing and advertising strategy for the 2020 Olympics. Explain the connection between the Olympics and the adoption of digital media technologies. Use at least two references from course Syllabus (from 2 separate readings) and two references to class lectures/presentations including guest speakers. You may also use additional sources (newspaper articles, reports, etc.)
? Importance of digital comm for all, especially the young generation. Need for the games to appear modern, attractive, ?sexy? for the young ones, so that they will follow the Games and be inspired by the heros ? athletes
? Digital Comm: Fast, fun, interactive, viral (everyone can share and see and something cool can go viral)
? Importance of social networks: Facebook, Twitter, etc used by millions, and always online, so the Olympic Games must be present on the social netorks!
? Importance of reaching out to customers: Ads! If you reach millions of people, you will manage to make more money thanks to ads
?Special ad campaigns created for the Olympic Games and can be transmitted through all social media
? Digital techs are interactive. And public that used to be only spectators can now feel part of the games. Tons of apps and special devices, such as the Nike?s devices (faut que tu check le nom, j ai oubli?) and you can compare your results to the athletes? etc?.
? you should also speak about the new museum in Lausanne, the HQ of the IOC!! It?s incredible! Full of technology, games, videos, super interactive etc. donc you can tell them that the campaigns of the IOC should be as modern as the new museum.
? Plus, all countries having the Games, will make sure that they expose their latest technologies, especially during the opening ceremony, during which the eyes of the world as well as the world leaders are set on it! Perfect opportunity to show the world what the country has to offer (donc attracts investors? And tourism? Brains to work in the country and develop it further?)
3.Using terms and language discussed throughout the course describe your marketing campaign strategy :
What is your campaign goal?
– Reach as many people as possible?
– Impact people through emotion and let them connect to the spirit of the games and feel involved?
– Reach as many women as possible, to develop the sports, education etc thanks to the Games?
– Be as interactive and fun as possible?
What would you like to achieve through this campaign.
– Bring all the spirit of the IOC out throughout the world, especially through these tough moments. Let the world come together, no matter the religions, political views etc and let people realize that, at the end of the day, we all are humans and the majority wants to leave in peace
– Let them realize how important, peaceful and enjoyable these special Games will be and how it is possible to have peaceful times, if the majority of the world speaks up and decides it wants that!
How would this campaign be defined as a success?
– Success has to be measured. How can we measure success of a campaign for a better world? (the question is: has the world received your message? Have you brought change into people?s mind? Have you had retweets and Faebook profiles going viral for your videos, messages etc?)
– Have you influenced young generations? Have some kids decided to turn to sports thanks to your campaigns and thanks to the values they found through your campaigns?
What is your story?
Who is your target audience?
Specify the 4 P?s relevant to your strategy
? This will all depend on your story and what you decide to put ahead. If you want I can help you once you re done with the rest

4. Describe your marketing plan
Explain your cross platform strategy (traditional media and digital media). Choose the platforms that are relevant to your campaign.
Explain and provide examples for the various platforms you choose. Explanations may be based on class lectures and readings. Examples can include those discussed in class. Bonus points for including new examples from Israel or abroad.
How do you define the promotion/marketing channels of your brand in earned, paid and owned media terms?
How will you generate traffic: SEO? Paid search? Social media engagement?
– Have ambassadors (major athletes and famous people have millions of followers; make sure you make an agreement with them and that they will retweet and share your campaigns etc)
– Create cool #
– SEO are key!!
– You have to be ahead of the game! Literally, and create the buzz with your cool and incredible campaign. If you create the buzz ? People will only talk about it and this can go viral, worldwide! And you can definitely make an impact
– Also remember that this is not just a ?one shot and then forget about it? kind of campaign. This campaign has to mark people and there it has to really touch them personally and emotionally. Therefore, it will remain through time! And make an impact? You get it lol

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