Research Proposal
What are some of the economic and social factors that occurred in Brazil during the last 5 years that would cause Brazil’s economy to downturn even more than it has? How about what factors have contributed to the economic downturn in Brazil between 2010 and 2015?
2. Opening Statement
3. Why is the Problem Important?
This problem is important because Brazil being the part of the BRICS, it is an economy that if it fails, it could end up causing economic instability for the world market.
Why now?
Because now in this very day, Brazil is in a situation where if they further damaged their economy it could pivot them down to a level that could very much be permanent for them, and won’t be taken as a serious country anymore. In the other hand, there is a possibility for politics to change as Dilma’s second term as president has started worse than what people predicted. Meaning that the opposition can get back to power, and make some important changes in the economy, as that was their biggest asset to Brazil when competing for presidency.
4. Question How about what factors have contributed to the economic downturn in Brazil between 2010 and 2015?
Why is the problem hard?
The problem is hard because in order to solve economic problems in the country, corruption and many other social issues that affect Brazil’s economy indirectly have to be solved. Hard is an understatement for this problem as corruption, which is the main social issue in the country, is close to imbedded in Brazilian politics.
You need to consider alternative explanations for the downturn. Could it be global factors (such as the lingering impact of the 2008 financial crisis, commodity prices,) does it have something to do with domestic productivity? Or new government policies? You need to have between 3 and 5 variables.
I. Intro: The introduction should contain parts 2-6 of your research proposal …an opening statement, the problem/puzzle, your research question and the identification of the factors (independent variables) which you think caused the economic decline (dependent variable). Then you provide the reader with an overview of how you are going to organize the paper.
II. Background: Brazilian economy and what???
III. Case I: Brazil
Case II: Argentina You haven’t mentioned Argentina up to now how does it play a role? Maybe given how behind you are you should focus on Brazil? (Let me know)
IV. Comparative Analysis: Argentina or Maybe just a good paper on Brazil
five sources ATLEAST!