We have used Naked Wines as a ”case study” throughout the course. While everyone loves to whine [sic], whining has never been known to lead to insight. Rebellion, yes. Insight, no.Reflecting back over the last seven weeks, what was most useful (or, alternatively, least productive) to you about the Naked Wines ”case study”?

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We have used Naked Wines as a ”case study” throughout the course. While everyone loves to whine [sic], whining has never been known to lead to insight. Rebellion, yes. Insight, no.Reflecting back over the last seven weeks, what was most useful (or, alternatively, least productive) to you about the Naked Wines ”case study”?

We have used Naked Wines as a ”case study” throughout the course. While everyone loves to whine [sic], whining has never been known to lead to insight.  Rebellion, yes.  Insight, no.Reflecting back over the last seven weeks, what was most useful (or, alternatively, least productive) to you about the Naked Wines ”case study”? Practice your communications skills while answering this question.  EITHER, write a an overall conclusion reinforced by three dot point sentences beneath, OR write about one aspect of the case study with three dot points that support that observation/conclusion.Note that in effective writing, your dot points should follow one of two ”flows”: 1) a ”grouping” list of three similar pieces of data, all expressed in the same fashion, or 2) a logical progression.   The examples below are somewhat trivial.  Your LA should likely be a one or two sentence intro paragraph, three-five ”point” paragraphs, and a concluding one or two sentence paragraph. :The big railroad business offers poor returns.Therefore, the big railroad business is prone to yielding poor returns. :Big railroads are likely to offer poor returns. So.Think about these questions:1) Take the last five or so people you ”worked for” (or you were in an analogous situation).  How many of these engaged a clearly moral way, a clearly immoral way, or something in between?  Give an example (disguised as necessary) of notable moral leadership or immoral leadership in a real situation you have encountered.2) What do you think makes a ”moral” person make an ”unethical” decision in a management situation?  Is this practical and/or a good idea?3) How can an individual protect himself or herself from feeling ”forced” to make (or implement) an unethical decision?4) How can an organization help its employees address ”unethical” situations? What advice in this regard would you give to a person looking to land his/her first ”real” job? 2 pages with references  LA1 and LA2 for both  

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