Using the quantitative explain why was the study done . Clear explanation of the purpose of the study?

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Using the quantitative explain why was the study done . Clear explanation of the purpose of the study?

The article “Evidence-Based Practice Step by Step: Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part I” provides a critical appraisal guide for appraising quantitative studies. Select one quantitative study from the research articles you have identified for your project.

Using the quantitative study you have selected, answer three of the questions listed in the critical appraisal guide in the above article

1.Why was the study done . Clear explanation of the purpose of the study?

2.. What is the sample size? Were there enough people in the study to establish that the finding did not occur by chance?

3. What does this research mean for clinical practice?


THE TOPIC I CHOSE IS hand washing with soap and water reduce hospital acquired infection more effectively compare to other solution such as hand sanitizer


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