Using the material from this course, what suggestions do you have for what people in that family could POTENTIALLY do to cause the bully to change?

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Using the material from this course, what suggestions do you have for what people in that family could POTENTIALLY do to cause the bully to change?

*Use ONLY the textbook and lecture notes as sources, therefore don’t need formal citation, my prof doesn’t care much about citation, just list the names of the researchers in () in-text if needed, list only the textbook in the reference page. The textbook is by Gilovich, Keltner, Chen, Nisbett 3rd Ed. I will provide a link to the textbook with account and password in additional material. I will also provide a link to my lecture notes.*

Application Paper: The purpose of this paper is for you to apply the theories and concepts you’ve learned, to social psychology, as they apply to a practical problem. The emphasis is on how you might be able to use the insights from this course in practical ways. Papers should be 3-4 pages, single spaced, discussing as many of the key concepts from the course as you can apply to the problem you’re tackling.

For this paper, focus on one of the following ‘problems’. You may use the material from this course to analyze the problem and better understand why this problem is the way it is, and also to generate solutions and strategies that would help fix the problem.

1) Maximizing Group Performance – Imagine that you have to do a big group project for a semester, with 4 other people. You’re afraid that they’re going to produce poor work or not get their work done and you’ll have to do everything. So, what kinds of strategies would help to make this group produce its best work?

2) Helping a Friend – Imagine that you have a friend whose behaviour is starting to tip over the edge into dysfunction, and you are becoming concerned. For example, your friend’s level of substance use, promiscuity, or general partying is becoming significantly and consistently greater than what you consider to be healthy. You would like to figure out how to help your friend with his/her problem. What ideas do you have for how to do that?

3) Starting the Revolution – Imagine that you want to get as many of your friends (and their friends, and their friends….) to VOTE in the next federal election. Given what you’ve learned in this course, what ideas do you have for how to make this happen?

4) Transforming the Bully – Imagine a family, dominated by a particular person (“the bully”) who holds a lot of power in the family. The rest of the family is controlled by this person’s emotions, perhaps living in fear of their anger and potential for violence, perhaps struggling under a burden of criticism and emotional negativity, or perhaps being subtly manipulated by the person’s anxiety and vulnerability. Using the material from this course, what suggestions do you have for what people in that family could POTENTIALLY do to cause the bully to change?

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