please do a response to the comment provide. 150 words each , Due by 8pm 10/2/2016 $5.00 Many issues have been shed light since the attacks on 9/11 in the United States, the majority of them have set the stage on foreign policy and how we conduct business with other Countries and how do we handle terrorists. We are considered a super power nation and no one ever thought we would ever be attacked, besides the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor. Leffler, Melvyn. ”Leffler, Melvyn.” 9/11 in Retrospect. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2016, one of the articles that talks about foreign policy and how we are considered closely to the events of North Korea attacked South Korea, back then President Roosevelt never expected such an attack would happened and laws had to change in the 1950s. Under the Bush administration prior to the 9/11 attacks, terrorism and radical islam were not even on the priority list of what America should defend against. I believe after reading this article it shows some support about foreign policies from 9/11 until current days. If we look back to the events of 9/11, would there be anything that we could’ve done anything differently to prevent such an unexpected attack to happened and what can we do to prevent this from ever happening again?