U.S. Interventions in Latin America Timeline and the Wikipedia entry, “Covert United States foreign regime change actions: During the Cold War:”

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U.S. Interventions in Latin America Timeline and the Wikipedia entry, “Covert United States foreign regime change actions: During the Cold War:”

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Examine the documents on (Files/Overthrow) entitled U.S. Interventions in Latin America Timeline and the Wikipedia entry, “Covert United States foreign regime change actions: During the Cold War:” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_United_States_foreign_regime_change_actions#During_the_Cold_War

1. Select one specific event from the period 1946-1989 to explore. Research the historical record of the event selected, i.e. what is now known to have actually happened. See, for example, Blums Killing Hope, the National Security Archive (http://www2.gwu.edu/nsarchiv/) or other current research.

2. Find an original U.S. news story (newspaper, magazine, TV news report, etc.) on the event from that time, e.g. if the event is a coup in March, 1956, the story should be a March, 1956 report or editorial on that coup.

3. Briefly analyze the news story in terms of relevant concepts and theories discussed in class (e.g. sources, ideology, word choice, etc.). To what extent does the reporting accurately and impartially convey the historical events? To what extent does it support or oppose U.S. Cold War propaganda? How?

Attach the news article, with complete references, to your paper. Provide complete references for all sources used.

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