U.S. Health Care Today

Study your face in a mirror for at least fifteen minutes. Time yourself… make sure you stare for the entire fifteen minutes………
August 7, 2017
For Fornicola Only / Course ACC557
August 7, 2017
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U.S. Health Care Today

U.S. Health Care Today

After reading the background materials as well as additional information you find from the literature and online sources, respond to the following questions for this module’s SLP:
1. Discuss the sources of health insurance coverage in your home state, or any state of your choosing, for the following groups:
o Seniors age 65 and older
o Children younger than 18
o Low-income families with at least one child, whose family income is below 133% of the Federal Poverty Level
o The self-employed
o Employees of large companies (more than 100 employees)
o Employees of small businesses
o Part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees
o The unemployed
o College students
2. Discuss whether the groups listed above need to contribute to the premiums of their health insurance.
3. • Cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.
4. • The paper should be 1 page.

Required Reading
RAND Corporation. (2010). U.S. Health Care Today: Coverage. Available at http://www.randcompare.org/us-health-care-today/coverage#current-levels-of-coverage (Retrieved 11/21/2012)
Choudhry, N., Rosenthal, M., & Milstein, A. (2010). Assessing the Evidence for Value-Based Insurance Design. Health Affairs, 29 (11), 1988-1994. Retrieved from ProQuest on 11/21/2012.
Eibner, C., Hussey, P., & Girosi, F. (2010) The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Workers’ Health Insurance Coverage. New England Journal of Medicine, 363 (15), 1393-1395. Available at http://healthpolicyandreform.nejm.org/?p=12339 (Retrieved 11/21/2012)
Claxton, G. (2008). How Private Health Care Coverage Works: A Primer. A Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Report. Available at http://www.kff.org/insurance/upload/7766.pdf (Retrieved 11/21/2012)
Baicker K., & Chandra A. (2008). Myths and Misconceptions about U.S. Health Insurance. Health Affairs, 27(6), w533-43. Retrieved from ProQuest on 11/21/2012.
Blumenthal, D. (2006). Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the United States – Origins and Implications. New England Medical Journal, 355(1), 82-88. Retrieved from ProQuest on 11/21/2012.
Bodenheimer, T. (2005). High and Rising Health Care Costs. Part 1: Seeking an Explanation. Annals of Internal Medicine, 142 (10), 847-854. Available at http://www.cga.ct.gov/ph/HealthFirst/Docs/HFSPC/Bodenheimer%20annals%20part%201.pdf (Retrieved 11/21/2012)

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