Trademark law

Who Says a Woman Can’t Be Einstein
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Trademark law


Can you help me with the following please:

The answer to this question must contain five paragraphs. There is a part of the opening sentence for each paragraph. Please complete the opening sentence and add examples to make a paragraph for each, and mention the references you used for your answers:

1. The owner of a trademark cannot legally defend his mark against infringements. In order to do so, the trademark must …
2. The extent to which a trademark is defendable depends upon ……
3. A registered trademark is relatively simple to defend in a court of law. An unregistered mark relies on the law of ….
4. The Trade Marks Act 1991 states that “a person infringes a registered trade mark if he …
5. The current UK Trade Mark legislation is the …
6. The simplest form of business name protection which exists is …
7. To try to get total protection of a business name, the owners should …
8. When considering the protection of a company name, the owners should assess…

Thanks in advance.

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