Topic: Probiotic Appraisal and Research Evaluation

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Topic: Probiotic Appraisal and Research Evaluation

Order Description

There are questions to answer on the assignment from research article and pro-biotic supplement.
The research article to be used is
“Immune Respose and Intestinal Permeability in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Treated with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG: A Randomized, Double-

Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial”
by Kulandaipalayam N.C. Sindhu, Thuppal V. Sowmyanarayanan, et al
in Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014

Prebiotics and Probiotics Nutrition Research Evaluation
Step-by-Step Instructions

This assignment consists of locating a nutrition-related research article about prebiotics/ probiotics,
based on primary research, using a purposeful PubMed search.  You will strategically select the best
type of research study design that is best-suited for a particular type of research question which you will
select.  Through active reading and paraphrasing you will summarize key information from the article
with proper sentences, grammar, and spelling, and a consistent editorial style.

Learning Outcomes:
?  Demonstrate critical thinking skills by following step-by-step written & audiovisual instructions
?  Match the best type of research study design to the types of research question
?  Navigate a purposeful search of PubMed for a peer-reviewed journal article
?  Actively read the article about prebiotics/ probiotics
?  Summarize the key information
?  Paraphrase information into your own writing
?  Respond to a Primary Research Questionnaire using full sentences, correct spelling and grammar
?  Provide a hard copy of the original research article along with an abstract (if abstract is provided
by author)

Select primary research only
Do not use any type of review article
The overall steps to complete this assignment are listed in the table of contents below.  This assignment
takes time to methodically carry out the steps.  As a best practice you should not plan to do this
assignment in one single block of time.  Plan your time accordingly.
Steps to Complete Nutrition Research Evaluation

Watch the NTR340 narrated lectures on Research Methodology Parts 1 & 2, Prebiotics and Probiotics, and
Dietary Supplements.
Watch the Watch the YouTube Video entitled “Evidence-Based Medicine and Study Design” by Duke
University Medical Library.

Select a type of research question that is of associated with prebiotics or probiotics.  The research question
can be from any of the following general types of questions:

Harm/ Etiology
Based on your selected question type, watch the ASU Health Sciences Library Video Tutorial about how to
carry out a PubMed search based on specific types of questions.
Navigate your search, actively read the entire article, summarize concepts, paraphrase into your own
Complete Primary Research Evaluation Form.  Compose your responses using full sentences, proper
spelling, grammar, and a consistent editorial style.  Submit your work through Blackboard in the
Assignments & ExCred folder.
Submit a hard-copy of the article with your name written in top right corner.  You must include the FULL
ARTICLE- do not rely on the abstract.  Your article must be clearly paginated in order (write by hand if you
need to) and stapled (NOT PAPER-CLIPPED TOGETHER).

1. Learn About Research Methodology, Gut Health, Dietary Supplements

Watch the narrated lectures about Nutrition Research Part 1 & 2, Gut Health and Probiotics, and Dietary
Supplements. The lectures are located in the Lectures Narrated tab in Blackboard.  Do not attempt the
assignment unless you have reviewed the lectures.

Watch the YouTube Video entitled “Evidence-Based Medicine and Study Design” by Duke University
Medical Library Evidence-Based Medicine & Study Design- 12 minute video from Duke University
Medical Library
If the hyperlink does not work, cut and paste the address below into your web browser.

</p> <p>2. Select your type of research question related to prebiotics/ probiotics</p> <p>You can select any topic related to prebiotics/ probiotics that appeals to you.  It is a best practice to start<br /> off with a general goal for your topic.  Be prepared to adjust your search terms because you may not<br /> find your exact topic.  You are welcome to adjust and streamline your search to simplify your ability to<br /> locate a suitable article.  You must select a primary research design from the types of questions below.</p> <p>HARM/ ETIOLOGY research asks the overarching question “what is the potential for positive and/or<br /> negative consequences of a specific aspect of nutritional care (or its absence)?<br /> Example: Is the recommendation for healthy adults to supplement their diets with probiotic supplements<br /> associated with impaired flora?</p> <p>TREATMENT/THERAPY research asks the overarching question “what care plan/intervention/treatment<br /> that will improve/impact the condition?”<br /> Example:  For a patient with ulcerative colitis, what intake of prebiotic foods can help to maintain gut<br /> health?  Should prebiotic-rich foods be increased to a certain level?</p> <p>PROGNOSIS research asks the overarching question “what is the predicted outcome of a<br /> process/condition/ abnormal condition/disease?”<br /> Example:  Is dietary intake of probiotic supplements associated with prognosis of normal levels of<br /> intestinal flora following treatment with antibiotics?</p> <p>DIAGNOSIS research asks the overarching question “what is the nature and cause of a disease or<br /> condition?”<br /> Example:  For adults with antibiotic-associated diarrhea, what factors indicate who should consume<br /> dietary sources of probiotics following treatment with antibiotics?<br /> INSTRUCTOR NOTE:   The “diagnosis” type of question will be more challenging to locate for prebiotics<br /> and probiotics.  People generally don’t get sick from intake and  this is a relatively new and emerging<br /> area of research.  If you select a “diagnosis” question it will likely be more challenging to locate a good<br /> article when compared to the other types of research questions.  You should only select a diagnosis<br /> question if you want to challenge yourself.</p> <p>3.  Watch the ASU Health Sciences Library Instructional Videos about how to carry out a<br /> purposeful PubMed search</p> <p>Watch the ASU Library Minute:  Top Five Resources for Online Students (1 minute, 18 seconds)<br /> ASU Library Minute:  Top Five Resources for Online Students<br /> If the hyperlink does not work cut and paste the address into your web browser.</p> <p></p> <p>Based on your type of research question, watch the tutorial about how to find a research article for the<br /> type of research question.<br /> ETIOLOGY/ HARM: Click on the hyperlink and watch the  streaming video tutorial<br /> if your research question is Etiology/Harm- Cohort or Case Control studies –<br /> Etiology- Harm Research Question PubMed Search<br /> If the hyperlink does not work cut and paste this address into your browser</p> <p></p> <p>TREATMENT/ THERAPY: Click on the hyperlink and watch the streaming video tutorial<br /> if your research question is Treatment/Therapy – RCT studies–<br /> Treatment-Therapy Research Question PubMed Search<br /> If the hyperlink does not work cut and paste this address into your browser</p> <p></p> <p>PROGNOSIS: Click on the hyperlink and watch the streaming video tutorial<br /> if your research question is Prognosis – Cohort studies<br /> Prognosis Research Question PubMed Search<br /> If the hyperlink does not work cut and paste this address into your browser</p> <p></p> <p>DIAGNOSIS: Click on the hyperlink and watch the streaming video tutorial<br /> if your research question is Diagnosis  Cross-sectional studies-<br /> Diagnosis Research Question PubMed Search<br /> If the hyperlink does not work cut and paste this address into your browser</p> <p></p> <p>4. Navigate your PubMed search.  Locate a hard copy of the article.  Read, summarize and<br /> paraphrase the article.</p> <p>If you need clarification or assistance with carrying out your search, contact the ASU Library system<br /> directly.  There is a 24/7 Help which you can access at ASU Ask A Librarian.  The direct link is</p> <p></p> <p>INSTRUCTOR NOTE:   Prior to reading the full text article, you should look at the Primary Research<br /> Questionnaire to become familiar with the questions.   As a best practice you should read the article<br /> from beginning to end at least one time without getting distracted by taking notes.  This will enable you<br /> to understand the “big picture”. If you try to answer all the questions as you read through the first time<br /> you are likely to lose focus.  You are encouraged to jot down notes directly on the hard-copy of the<br /> article, highlight, underline etc. This will help to contextualize the content in a meaningful manner.</p> <p>5. Complete the Primary Research Evaluation Form</p> <p>Type your responses into the Questionnaire Form which is located in Blackboard in the Assignments and<br /> ExCred folder.   Save your work frequently.   The best file format is RTF.  When you are ready to submit<br /> your work, upload it and send as an attachment.  Your work will be processed through SafeAssignment.<br /> The grading process may involve matching your responses with the original, hard-copy research article.</p> <p>6. Submit a hard-copy (paper copy) of the entire research article plus abstract (if abstract is<br /> available).</p> <p>You are welcome to write your own notes on the hard-copy of the research article.  In order for your<br /> work to be graded, you MUST submit a photocopy of the full research article PLUS the abstract (if the<br /> abstract is available).  If you do not submit a hard-copy of the article your grade will NOT be graded and<br /> you will receive a grade of zero.  Your article must have your name written in the top right corner, it<br /> must have page number marked in order (it is OK to write by hand if they don’t appear in article), and it<br /> must be stapled.  Do not use paper clips or fold the papers (dog-ear) together.<br /> INSTRUCTOR NOTE:  You are encouraged to write your own notes and mark-up your hard-copy of the<br /> research article that you submit.   Again, it is perfectly acceptable to handwrite the page numbers on the<br /> article if they do not automatically appear on your printed version.  Your instructor is well aware of the<br /> amount of paper that will be used to collectively grade this work.  The instructor will be certain to<br /> recycle the paper upon completion of this assignment.</p> <p><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT <img src=”” alt=”:)” class=”wp-smiley”/></span></p> </p></div> </div><!–end entry–> <!–end post footer–> </div><!–end post–> <div class=”navigation index”> <div class=”alignleft”></div> <div class=”alignright”></div> </div><!–end navigation–> <p style=”color: #ff0000;”>We write original academic papers – non-plagiarized assignments. 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