This paper consists of two sections. Candidates should attempt the following: Section A—All questions Section B—Question 1 and any other two questions. T

August 7, 2017
briefly describe the main biochemical actions of telomerase and discuss the significance of differing levels of telomerase activity in different types of cell.
August 7, 2017
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This paper consists of two sections. Candidates should attempt the following: Section A—All questions Section B—Question 1 and any other two questions. T

This paper consists of two sections. Candidates should attempt the following: Section A—All questions Section B—Question 1 and any other two questions. T

SECTION A Attempt ALL questions. You should spend approximately 30 minutes on this part of the paper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. State one advantage of day care centres for the elderly. State one antioxidant vitamin. Give one reason why cotton is suitable for a T-shirt. Give one example of sensory testing. State the ideal temperature for the growth of bacteria. Identify one assurance the Kitemark offers the consumer.

What does the abbreviation BEAB stand for? Identify one organisation which enforces the Food Safety Act 1990. State two advantages of an extended family. Give two benefits of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). State one advantage and one disadvantage of food packaging. State two advantages of breastfeeding. State two benefits of the Hungry for Success initiative. Give two advantages of a credit union.

SECTION B Attempt THREE questions from this section: Question 1 and any other TWO questions. You should spend approximately 30 minutes on each question. 1. (a) Explain each of the following responsibilities of a parent.

(i) Education

(ii) Socialisation

(iii) Economic support

(b) Evaluate how each of the following could affect a family’s lifestyle.

(i) Divorce

(ii) Disability of a family member

(c) Explain three ways in which the organisation Shelter could support a family.

(d) Identify and explain three factors which could affect a consumer’s choice of electrical products for the home.

(e) Evaluate each of the following for the consumer.

(i) Credit sale

(ii) Chip and pin

2. (a) The table opposite shows a day’s nutrient content of meals eaten by a pregnant woman. Using your knowledge of nutrition, and the information provided, evaluate the suitability of this day’s nutritional intake. (b) Identify and explain three factors, other than those relating to diet, which will ensure good health during pregnancy. (c) Evaluate the usefulness to the consumer of each of the following. (i) Fibre Content Label (ii) Care Label Symbol (iii) CE Mark (d) Explain four ways in which the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) can help support the family. (e) Explain two responsibilities of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

2.Nutrient and NSP (dietary fibre) content of a day’s meals eaten by a pregnant woman

Energy (kJ) 8600 (kcal) 2010

Protein Folic Acid (g) (µg)

Iron (mg)

Vitamin D Calcium (µg) (mg)

NSP (g)







Reference Nutrient Intake for Selected Nutrients in the UK (per day) for pregnant women Protein (g) 51.0 Folic Acid (µg) 300 Iron (mg) 14.8 Vitamin D (µg) 10 Calcium (mg) 700

Estimated Average Requirements for Energy in the UK (per day) for pregnant women aged 19–50 Energy kJ 8770 kcal 2140 NSP g 18.0

3. (a) Explain each of the following stages in the development of a jacket.

(i) Concept screening

(ii) Prototype production

(iii) Product testing

(iv) First production run

(b) Evaluate the use of breathable membranes for a jacket.

(i) Celebrity endorsement

(ii) TV advert

(iii) Shop display

(iv) Low introductory price

(v) Leaflet in a magazine

(d) Explain two ways the consumer is protected by the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002.

(e) Identify and explain three factors which should be considered to prevent food poisoning when producing food suitable for a packed lunch.

4.(a) Identify and explain three factors which may contribute to coronary heart disease.

(b) Evaluate the suitability of the following snack in relation to different Scottish dietary targets. • • • Spicy chicken mayonnaise sandwich Fresh apple juice Cereal

(c) Explain three ways in which the National Health Service (NHS) may support a family.

(d) Evaluate on-line banking for the consumer.

(e) Explain three steps a family on a low income could take to manage debt.

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