(The Watchdog, The Seattle Times, The New York Times, etc.). Choose five headlines and five leads. These can be from ten totally different articles, the same five articles, or some mix of the two. I will need to see a copy of the headline and lead being critiqued.1. Critique the headline. Why is it well-written?

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(The Watchdog, The Seattle Times, The New York Times, etc.). Choose five headlines and five leads. These can be from ten totally different articles, the same five articles, or some mix of the two. I will need to see a copy of the headline and lead being critiqued.1. Critique the headline. Why is it well-written?

Find a newspaper of your choosing (The Watchdog, The Seattle Times, The New York Times, etc.). Choose five headlines and five leads. These can be from ten totally different articles, the same five articles, or some mix of the two. I will need to see a copy of the headline and lead being critiqued.1. Critique the headline. Why is it well-written? Why do you think it is poorly written? If it is poorly written, re-write it so that it is a better headline.2. Critique the lead. What about it makes it a good lead? What about it makes it a weak lead? If it is poorly written, please re-write it so that it is a better lead.

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