The Tidewater Police Department is a small rural department that consists of 22 police officers, 4 detectives, a criminal intelligence analyst and 3 secretaries. The mayor just hired you as Chief of the department. About half of the officers have 20+ years of experience and the other half have less than 3 years of experience.

Describe the ethical issue involved and discuss the history of this issue, including any pertinent policies or precedents.
August 7, 2017
How important is ward/Unit important is ‘fitting in’ for you?What will you do if you struggle or never ‘fit in’?
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The Tidewater Police Department is a small rural department that consists of 22 police officers, 4 detectives, a criminal intelligence analyst and 3 secretaries. The mayor just hired you as Chief of the department. About half of the officers have 20+ years of experience and the other half have less than 3 years of experience.

The Tidewater Police Department is a small rural department that consists of 22 police officers, 4 detectives, a criminal intelligence analyst and 3 secretaries. The mayor just hired you as Chief of the department. About half of the officers have 20+ years of experience and the other half have less than 3 years of experience. You learn that there have been 4 civil cases filed against the department for police officer misconduct within the last year.  for the Tidewater Police Department. 

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