Week 10
The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Course Text: Integrating Behavioral and Social Sciences With Public Health, Chapter 5: “Exposure to Urban Violence: Shifting from an Individual to an Ecological Perspective” Chapter 7: “Strategies for Preventing HIV Infection Among Injecting Drug Users: Taking Interventions to the People” and Chapter 8: “Community Involvement in HIV/AIDS Prevention”
Article: Davis, R., Cook, D., & Cohen, L. (2005). Race, genetics, and health disparities. A community resilience approach to reducing ethnic and racial disparities in health. American Journal of Public Health, 95(12), 2168–2178. Available through the Walden library CINAHL database.
Article: The World Health Organization. (2006). Female genital mutilation (FGM) and obstetric outcome: WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries. Progress, 72, 1??8 , Retrieved on May 7, 2007, fromhttp://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/en/
Course Media: “Race, Ethnicity and Culture” by dr smith
Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Programming
Post a response to the following:
· Justify the importance of addressing race, ethnicity, and culture when developing programs for prevention of disease.
Post your initial response to this Discussion by Day 4 of this week. Respond to at least one colleague’s posting by Day 6 of this week. See the Week 10 Discussion area for details.