The purpose of this course is to make you informed consumers of research and over the semester
you have gained knowledge of the components of research that will assist you in this final
assignment. The research critique consists of reading three research studies and answering several
questions about each. All three studies have been provided for you. The studies selected for the
critique are as follows:
Article 1:
Guerette, Rob T. (2007). “Immigration Policy, Border Security and Migrant Deaths: An
Impact Evaluation of Life Saving Efforts under the Border Safety Initiative.”
Criminology & Public Policy, 6(2): 201-222.
Article 2:
Kovandzic, T., Sloan, J., and Vieraitis, L. (2004. “’Striking Out’ as Crime Reduction
Policy: The Impact of ‘Three Strikes’ Laws on Crime Rates in U.S. Cities.” Justice
Quarterly, 21(2): 207-239.
Article 3:
D’Alessio, S; Stolzenberg, L., and Terry, W. Clinton III (1999). “Eyes on the Street”:
The Impact of Tennessee’s Emergency Cellular Telephone Program on Alcohol-related
Fatal Crashes.” Crime and Delinquency, 45(4): 453- 466.
For each of these research articles perform the following:
1. Identify the research design used.
2. Specify the type of data used to conduct the analysis.
3. Identify the sampling procedure employed.
4. Specify the dependent variable of the study.
5. Present the key findings of the study.
6. Identify at least 3 limitations of the study (e.g. threats to validity, reliability, etc.) and
explain each.
Provide separate answer sheets for each article and identify your responses to the specific
question above that you are answering. Your responses should be typed,
12 point font, and single
spaced. Your answers are due on the last day of the week that the final exam is scheduled). Be
sure to explain each of your answers fully. You should strive to be as comprehensive in your
answers as possible as if you were explaining your answers to a lay person who knows nothing
about research methodology. A complete response to the questions will include 1) a statement of
the answer, 2) an explanation of what that is or means, and 3) a specification of exactly why
the given component of the research study constitutes what you have stated.