The Impact of Welfare Programs on Excluded Employees from Family Friendly Workplace Act

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The Impact of Welfare Programs on Excluded Employees from Family Friendly Workplace Act

The Impact of Welfare Programs on Excluded Employees from Family Friendly Workplace Act


According to the FMLA “grants up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave for workers both male and females that can care for newborn or critically ill family member” “the company must have at least fifty employees and the worker must have been employed for at least one year” under the legislation of the act the goal of the research is to be a guideline for employees in the middle-class and poor who need to get benefit of FMLA by welfare programs. The research will describe the challenges of many single-women whose families who cannot afford to miss 12 weeks of income. Also, the research willexplain the role of welfare programs to provide the assistance for needy employees in emergency time including child care.


The study will be qualitative research method. the researcher will include the facts of the Family and Medical Leave Act, role of the welfare programs and its policy in providing the assistance . The research will include also case studies show the suffering of lack of welfare programs’ role in providing the assistance. 


How  the welfare programs  impact single mother in case if they are excluded from FMLA.. so the research will explain the difficulties of getting eligibility of FMLA in some cases and then examine how welfare programs impact single mothers and provide the assistance 



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