The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Book: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

construct a paragraph starting with an American characteristic. analyze at least 3 American characteristics or trends that are displayed in the novel. You may address the overall question, How do these characteristics or traits relate to the American Dream?

1st par — Your Intro. will have an attn. grabber, (4-5 sent. long), a transition, and a thesis. After your attn. grab, I suggest writing some insight about what America was like in the 1920s compared to how it is now, using your assignment called, “Roaming Reporter.” Focus on the “why” section of assign. #10. This assignment is in the folder that was returned to you today. After your attn. grabber, you’ll write a connection to the novel. You might start with, “SImilarly, this notion of . . . . .is dealt with in Fitzgerald’s novel . . . . ” or “Likewise, . . .” Write the book’s title and underline it. Include the author’s name. Then write a 3-prong thesis using the topic sentences of each of your body paragraphs. The topics must be in the order that they appear in the body apragraphs. Proofread! Cut & paste your writing until you get it the way you want it to sound. Try to make your first paragraph connect to your conclusion.

2nd par — Start with an opinionated topic sentence that offers a generalization about 1-2 American characteristics. It might sound like, “Most of us. . .” “Many Americans tend to be . . . .” “A common American characteristic would be___________ and ___________ because________” “Unfortunately, a common American attitude about __________ is ________ b/c” DO NOT start a paragraph with a fact or a quote! After your topic sentence, offer an intellectual discussion about 3-4 sent long expressing your opinion further. Address a few aspects of this notion. WHY are we this way? What led us to this point? Then transition with a sentence that connects your observation to the novel. It might sound like, “Similarily, in the novel, the main character, Gatsby expresses, “__________” (pg. __). explain details about you quote to help make your connection more clear. Is the character’s comment true &/or believable? Is it erroneous or illogical? Does it reflect typical or atypical American trends or characteristics? Is he she believable? Through the character’s actions and words, what is the author saying about American trends and American attitudes?

3rd par — (Same pattern and directions as above using a new idea and one quote to support it.)

4th par — (Same as above using another new idea and one quote to support it.)

5th par — Your conclusion will offer some new insight on the subject of typical American characteristics. Offer solutions and observations about why we are this way. Here are some questions you may want to address: (You don’t have to answer them all.) As U.S. citizens, what part (s) of our behavior should we change? How? Why? what would happen if we didn’t change? Where are we headed, as a nation, if these habits and atitudes don’t change? What do other countries think of us? Is their perception correct &/or fair?
Lastly, here are some SUGGESTED quotes that we started working with in class. By no means is this list the “end all.” As a matter of fact, I will be impressed and generous with my grading if you find and analyze a quote that wasnt brought up in class today.

p. 84 btm “A phrase . . .the tired.”
p. 91 btm “Luckily . . .in place.”
p. 5 mid “Just remember . . . you’ve had.”
p. 78 top “It never . . . . a safe.”
p. 92 mid “However . . . to my feet.
p. 45 btm “Once there . . amusement parks.”
p. 11 btm “Now don’t . . .you are.”
p. 37 mid “This is . . . powdery air.”
p. 73 top “I was able . . . every year.”

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