The Effect of Domestic Violence on Children’s Educational Achievement

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The Effect of Domestic Violence on Children’s Educational Achievement

(Intro to Sociology 111)

For this paper you can write on any topic that relates to sociology. The purpose of this assignment is for you to “connect the dots” between social issues and apply concepts you have learned in this class to real situations. They can be MACRO LEVEL patterns (i.e. politics, economy, religion) and/or MICRO LEVEL (socialization, group behavior, personal family). You can look at social patterns at the same levels or patterns between different levels.

There are two ways to go about this:
(1) You can write a more objective analysis of broader social patterns and trends
(2) You may choose to write a self-reflective paper on the ways society has influenced you in various ways (i.e. your values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors).

? EXTRA CREDIT OPTION: If you would like to expand this project to include visiting or volunteering at a particular setting, developing a survey, or conducting an in- depth interview with someone as part of the research, then this will be a potential
25 BONUS POINTS (points awarded dependent on how much time and effort is involved outside of writing this paper). PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT YOU INTEND TO DO—YOU MAY NEED INFORMED CONSENT FROM OTHERS! (Attach any documentation in your appendix.)

POSSIBLE TOPICS: (I am just throwing out some ideas to help you brainstorm)
• The Effect of Domestic Violence on Children’s Educational Achievement
• How Economic Trends Impact Our Personal Liberties
• A Perspective on Religious Diversity in America: A Visit to a Synagogue
• Applying the Lessons of Zimbardo’s Prison Study to the Workplace
• The Impact of Gender Discrimination on My Life
• The Effects of Privatization of U.S. Prisons
• Social Engineering: Understanding What It Is and How It’s Used
• The Role of the Media in Shaping Public Opinion on Gun Control
• A Day in the Life of the Amish
• The Impact of Wal-Mart Expansion on the Global Economy
• Cultural Transmission of Parenting Styles: How I Have Turned Out Like My Mother! AND SO ON…

? You will need to incorporate one of the three major theories (social-conflict, structural-functionalist, or symbolic-interactionist) to analyze these social trends. You may even want to analyze a given situation from the point of all three.

? In addition, be sure to relate at least 6 key sociological concepts to specific real-life situations throughout your paper. (Bold the concept and cite the page number in your textbook where you got the concept.)
EXAMPLE: During the last 15 years, Wal-Mart’s impact on the global economy is seen in the fact that it has expanded its stores overseas and caused American companies to send factories to foreign countries, paying very low wages to workers (Macionis, 2012, p. 373).

1. Font size should be 12 point, Times New Roman.
2. All text should be double-spaced, including the list of references.
3. Margins should be 1 inch all around.
4. Page numbering begins on the title page and should be centered at the top right of each
page. Headers with title should be on the left side at the top.
5. APA-style citations should be included within the body of your paper. Paraphrasing as such: (Author, year). Direct quote should be: (Author, Year, p. XX).
6. The body of the paper should be 5-pages MINIMUM.

Title Page: Include the title, your name, institutional affiliation, professor’s name, the class, and the date. The information should be centered on the page both vertically and horizontally.

Abstract: Center the title “Abstract,” one inch from the top. Double space after the title and begin the abstract. Summarize the entire document (sentence or two from each section). Write the abstract in block form, in a single paragraph, and between 150 to 250 words.

Body: No title or subtitles are required but can be included. Be sure to have a strong thesis, include one of the major sociological theories to analyze your topic, and incorporate at least 6 key concepts from your text (bolded and cited).

References: You need 3 scholarly resources from academic journals or books for this paper, as well as your textbook. (Internet sources are extra supplemental sources.) Supply an APA-style alphabetical reference list that includes every citation in the text. Entries are made with a hanging indentation; the first line is flush left and further lines are indented five spaces. Double-space the entries (see below):

Author’s name, publication date, title or the work, additional information (e.g., volume

number, type of electronic media, etc.), and page numbers.

Appendix: Place the detailed information that would be distracting to read in the text such as tables, charts, graphs, or proofs, in the appendix. Place each on a separate page, double-spaced, and with indented paragraphs.

• Include the “Informed Consent Form” if you used it to gather information from other people. You can download if from the Resources tab in Blackboard.
• Include any instrument you developed (i.e. survey, interview questions) and results from your data-gathering, including survey data or interview notes.
• Include any documentation on the activities performed, location, and hours you spent outside of the basic requirements for the paper for extra credit.

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