First peer posting.Unit 7 Discussion:The ADA prohibits discrimination in all employment practices, including job application, hiring firing, advancement, compensation, training, and other terms and conditions of employment (Zunker, 2016).No one should be penalized for their disability in schools, companies and our society. Many individuals have been discriminated by due to their disability and so many companies have gotten away with it until laws were made to protect them from such crimes.Lopez is at 45 years old man who just relocated to Maryland. Lopez was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of thirty-five. He worked for a packing company in his town for seven years. Lopez`s company was aware of his condition and has provided the assistance he need to perform his duties. Before he relocated Lopez did some research on what jobs were hiring in the area he will be residing. Lopez applying for several jobs, but was told that they were not hiring. Lopez decided to contact the department of labor and request to see a Career Counselor to assist him in finding employment.Counselor schedule an interview with Lopez to gather some information on his employment history. Lopez shared that he has MS and have been working for the same company for seven years. He also shared that he has done his research on companies that were hiring but felt that his appearance and medical condition contribute to not being hired for the positions that were available. Counselor informed Lopez of the laws associates with the hiring progress with individuals with disabilities what services counselors can provide him with.In addition to assisting the client with physical disabilities directly, counselors should support community education and training programs to foster acceptance in the work world (Zunker, 2016).C.5. Nondiscrimination Counselors do not condone or engage in discrimination against prospective or current clients, students, employees, supervisees, or research participants based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/ partnership status, language preference, socioeconomic status, immigration status, or any basis proscribed by law (ACA, 2014). As I have stated several times its always best to stay professional and follow all codes of ethics when providing services to clients.References:Bunker, V.G. (2016). (9 ed). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.American with disabilities act. (n.d.) Retrieved from .ACA Code of Ethics (2014) American Counseling Association