Summarise current knowledge and what others have done in the various topics of your disser-tation – in the application area and in the various technologies that you might have used or did use.

Your report must address the following elements: Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators in fire, arson, and explosive investigations.
August 7, 2017
Demonstrated an understanding of Hofstede’s Five Basic Elements of Culture Distinction.
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Summarise current knowledge and what others have done in the various topics of your disser-tation – in the application area and in the various technologies that you might have used or did use.

my dissertation about developing Test Automation tool for specific website called “Synote” using “Selenium web driver Java” i need “state of the art” chapter which includes

( State-of-The-Art (is similar to literature review)

Summarise current knowledge and what others have done in the various topics of your disser-tation – in the application area and in the various technologies that you might have used or did use. Write for someone familiar with computing, but not necessarily expert in the particular topics of your project. Give references to other work by using cross-references to entries in the References section, like this [2].)

summary of project phases :

(Automated Testing

This part of the project follows computer science build methodology and will be divided into three phases: designing test strategy, simulating user interactions and developing a test-automation tool.

Phase 1: Design test strategy

Automated testing is new software development, and therefore, planning before beginning is important. This planning includes determining what will be automated, dividing the system into small parts and then prioritizing these parts depending on stakeholder needs.

Phase 2: Simulate user interactions

The main activity in this phase will be extracting test cases from user stories. The other activity will be narrowing down test scope to fit the limited time of the project. The objective will be to achieve small successes and build on them. To do this will require another round of prioritization. Test cases will be prioritized depending on the coverage-based technique, giving high priority to test cases that provide path coverage to Synote’s main functionality.

Phase 3: Develop test automation tool

This phase will entail scripting the high-priority test cases using the Selenium test-automation framework in the Java programing language.)

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