1. This big project have three parts.
-Part A, B and C.
2. Please read the Project guidelines carefully, step by step.
3. Each part has a link. Please click on the link and follow the instructions of the Project guidelines.
4. This projects worth a lot of points and my professor is strict in grading.
5. Do not write too generals and follow the Instructions step by steps.
6. You can pick a fake company.
Project Guidelines
This project is an opportunity for you to emulate the steps that a meeting manager and the convention service manager go through to produce a meeting or convention. You and your team members will create your own meeting for a fictitious association or corporation. You will be creating a Request for Proposal-RFP (40pts), Preliminary Program (60 pts), and a Meeting and Exhibit Specification Guide (50 pts).
The entire project is worth 150 points.
Items which MUST be included in your project are:
A) RFP (40 points) For the APEX version go to
B) Preliminary Program (60pts): Your goal is to create a realistic preliminary program. It should be in color and show a considerable amount of thought and planning. I STRONGLY suggest you use a template available free from Microsoft or use Microsoft Publisher, which is available in the computer lab to create this brochure. Items that should be included follow. You are welcome to add more, but these are required. You may want to review the items on the assignment when you reviewed preliminary programs.
• Event theme/logo
• Description of the association
• Who should attend and why
• Date and place
• Session descriptions:
o one general session with speaker
o 10 sessions with three session objectives for each session
• full daily conference schedule
• meeting registration form: including costs and discounts if provided
• transportation information (designated airline, shuttle service, rental cars, if used)
• guest/children programs (if used)
• hotel information or registration form, if providing
• list at least five sponsors
• Create and attach a name badge.
• May also include any other promotional materials you create.
There are numerous free templates for brochures on the Microsoft website http://office.microsoft.com/en-gb/templates/FX100595491033.aspx Look under area “browse templates” more templates for programs are under “more categories”.
C) Meeting and Exhibition Specification Guide (MESG) (50pts): Your goal is to create the MESG or Group Resume for this event. This is the material required for staff to set up and service your event.
• Facility Floor plans: hotel and meeting space
• MESG (Meeting Event Specifications Guide) Using the APEX template available at
• http://www.conventionindustry.org/StandardsPractices/APEX/EventSpecificationsGuide.aspx
• This is the collective information about your group. It is what the meeting facility will use to plan and implement your meeting. .
• Function Sheets: Also referred to as BEOs (Banquet Event Orders) use the APEX template found under
You may include any other additional materials you wish. Additional materials will only enhance your grade.
Other material can be found at: