Steampunk/Neo-Victorianism shifts
Paper instructions:
Steampunk/Neo-Victorianism shifts between the historical and the contemporary, the factual and the fantastic, all in an attempt to situate a story that crosses both space time and belief, tying us as much to the present as to any notion of future or past. Explain this idea, using both Perdido Street Station and the articles we have read so far, as the foundation of your argument. Feel free to agree or disagree with the statement or even with the idea that Perdido Street Station is part of the Steampunk/Neo-Victorianism genre, so long as you prove your arguments, using the texts at hand to support you.
it has to be an article.
In order to answer the question you must first explain the twin ideas of Neo-Victorianism and Steampunk and how the genre/s have been shaped. Then move on to analyze the novel.
You can and should, draw in the other authors we have read so far, in order to strengthen your argument – moving so to speak from the theoretical or abstract to the literary and concrete.
You must cite all information, quotation or paraphrase) you take from the books OR ANY OTHER SOURCE in the MLA Style.