Speech Presentation:Present a speech in front of at least five people (friends, family, etc.) in no less than four (4) or more than five (5) minutes.

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Speech Presentation:Present a speech in front of at least five people (friends, family, etc.) in no less than four (4) or more than five (5) minutes.

  • IPhone (3g) — You will persuade the class to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria.
  • •Real (something we can see and touch)
  • •legal;
  • •able to purchase online or in a local store;
  • •current retail price: $50-100;
  • •not anything living, like a pet, etc.;
  • •not a weapon of any kind;
  • •no drugs or alcoholic beverages;

Speech Presentation:

  • • Present your speech in front of at least five people (friends, family, etc.) in no less than four (4) or more than five (5) minutes.
  • • Dress casually, this is an informal speech.
  • • Your video speech should include creativity, originality, the needs and interest of your audience

Speech Written Assignment:

  • •Along with your 5-minute video speech you will create a Manuscript (word-for-word) of your video speech and a PowerPoint presentation. Make sure to include:

◦ Bibliography and references

◦Please follow the Monroe Sequence Steps (page 392 of your textbook).

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