Paper instructions:
Essay Topic 4: Write an essay discussing how each song – “Sueno de Barrilete”, “Tengo que hacer un barquito”, and Piazzolla’s “Tango For Four” – represents the ROLE of music in culture.
Required resources:
– WebQuest blogsite on Art Music of South America (Argentina):
– Video site for “Tango For Four”
– At least one additional resource of your choice
Format: Please attach your essay as a “.pdf” (my preference) document when you submit it (accessed below). If you must, you can submit a “.doc”, or “.docx” file format but I’d prefer a pdf. Title your document “Your_Name_E3? (without the quotes.)
Valued at 15% of your total grade, your essay will be graded primarily on completeness of response – but this does not imply length – and must meet university standards for writing (including spelling, formatting, structure, clarity, and communicative accuracy). Text should be double spaced, 1-inch margins, Times 12 font.
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